

Many professionals with existing degrees in graphic design, web development, or digital video may not wish to pursue a second degree. Instead, they often pursue targeted, practical certification to supplement their skill set or  learn new techniques. Additionally, employees offering professional development training to encourage job retention and minimize employee defections often find certification an attractive, cost-effective option.

As such, Polk State College offers two certificates for students who do not wish to pursue a degree. Each certificate may be completed in one or two semesters depending on students’ availability or full-time status.

Recommended Sequence

Time to completion: 2 semesters

Certificate in Video Production Digital Media Technology (15 Credits) 68410

CIP: 0609070210

Fall Semester

DIG 2000C – Introduction to Digital Media
DIG 2030C – Digital Video and Sound

Spring Semester

DIG 2430C – Digital Storytelling
DIG 2292C – Digital Post Production
DIG 2284C – Advanced Digital Video and Sound

Certificate in Graphic Design Digital Media Technology (15 Credits) 68400

CIP: 0610010507

Fall Semester

DIG 2109C – Digital Imaging Fundamentals
GRA 2156C – Digital Illustration
PGY 2801C – Digital Photography I

Spring Semester

GRA 2150C – Image Editing with Photoshop
GRA 2120C – Page Design and Layout

Certificate in Digital Media (15 Credits) 68430

CIP: 0610010507

Spring Semester

DIG 2000C – Introduction to Digital Media
DIG2030C – Digital Video and Sound
DIG 2109C – Digital Imaging Fundamentals

Fall Semester

DIG 2500C – Fundamentals of Interactive Design
GRA 2120C – Page Design and Layout

Note: All classes are 3 credit hours