
2024年5月2日. 10:30 A.m. 毕业直播录音

2024年5月2日. 6:30 p.m. 毕业直播录音


The graduation application for Fall 2024 term is available for submission through the PASSPORT student portal under the Advising tab on the drop-down menu
RP资助中心,701 W. 石灰圣.,湖区

Students will receive information regarding tickets for their guests via their Polk State emails in mid-November. 颁奖典礼将在此网页上进行直播,以便远程参与.
毕业典礼是免费的,需要购票. 票 are required for guests to be admitted to graduation at the RP Funding Center.


- 2岁以下的儿童可以坐在成人的腿上,不需要门票.

– Those who are unable to attend graduation may view the ceremony live on this webpage. A video stream will become live approximately 15 minutes before each ceremony begins.

帽、礼服 & 标记帽, 礼服, and Polk State achievement stole are all required 标记 and are available as a bundle through the campus bookstores. 学士学位学生现在穿红色长袍,其他学生都穿黑色.

大学高中的学生可以穿着黑色的高中帽和长袍. 学生可以佩戴奖章, 针, 披肩, and cords if provided to them by an approved organization or club of the College. 学生不应该在高中毕业典礼上佩戴饰物.

学术荣誉学术荣誉 are based on grade-point average (GPA) and described in the College catalog under “Regulations.” Honors cords are given to students based on the term preceding the graduation term. If a student earns academic honors after the Registrar has certified the final GPA, 笔录将反映这一点.
荣誉项目Students who graduate from the 荣誉项目 will have a note on their transcripts and an Honors seal that will be displayed on their diplomas based on their final GPAs.
毕业启事及毕业证书从毕业状态到学生记录需要30天的时间. 每个学生的记录都经过仔细审查,以确保满足要求. 学生应该通过电子邮件联系顾问 registrar@波尔克.edu 或者拨打863.297.1000 with questions about whether or not they have met all requirements to graduate.

Diplomas are printed after all requirements for the semester have been completed and all graduates have been validated. Students should ensure their addresses are accurate when submitting their graduation applications because they will be used to deliver diplomas. Diplomas are mailed approximately six to eight weeks after the end of each semester – spring, 夏天, 和秋天.

证书在每个队列完成后打印 and will be delivered to addresses the College has on record for those students within six to eight weeks of completion.

账户持有Students should check their 护照 accounts for account holds and obligations including library fines, 在校园内领取门票, 以及其他费用. Students will not receive their transcripts or diplomas until all holds are resolved.


  1. +毕业生荣誉

    我们想在毕业典礼上表彰你. 告诉我们你的故事,这样我们就可以与他人分享你的成功. 完成 毕业生荣誉表 然后发送到 news@波尔克.edu.

  2. +毕业申请

    The application process begins by applying online through PASSPORT under [Advising]. 申请从添加/删除截止日期后的第二天开始,每学期开放.

  3. +毕业申请说明

    毕业申请屏幕提供了许多澳门新葡京博彩毕业的细节. 请仔细阅读. 您将收到一封详细的电子邮件.波尔克.Edu地址和完整的毕业说明. If you do not qualify to graduate after grades are posted, your application will be removed. 你可以在完成学业期间再次申请.
    Please complete the graduation survey also found as a link in PASSPORT under [Advising].
    Please complete the graduation accolades form at the end of the application online.

  4. +文凭

    Diplomas are printed after all requirements for a term have been completed and all of the graduates are validated. 你的毕业申请表上的地址将被使用. 一定要准确无误! Diplomas are mailed approximately 6-8 weeks after each graduation – spring, 夏天, 和秋天.
    证书在每个队列完成后打印. You will receive them in the mail using the address Polk State has on record within 6-8 weeks of completion.

  5. +费用


  6. +持有

    检查 护照 for obligations such as library fines, tickets you received on campus, 以及其他费用. 向 毕业协调员 对于任何额外的保留. 在所有问题解决之前,您将不会收到成绩单或文凭.

  7. +照片

    毕业照将在典礼当晚拍摄. The photographer will contact graduates with special photo packages that can be purchased.

  8. +以优异成绩毕业

    学术荣誉 are based on GPA and described in the college catalog under the Regulations section. Honor cords are given to students based on the term preceding the graduation term. 如果你在注册主任认证你的最终GPA后获得了学术荣誉, 你的成绩单会反映这一点.

  9. +荣誉课程毕业生

    作为一名荣誉项目毕业生,一定要戴上你的徽章. 我们为我们的荣誉学生和荣誉项目毕业生感到自豪. 如果你从荣誉课程毕业,你的成绩单上会有一个注释. 荣誉印章将根据你的最终GPA显示在你的文凭上.

  10. +毕业典礼

    毕业典礼是最庄重的活动. 礼仪和礼貌对毕业生和他们的客人来说是非常重要的.

    All graduates and members of the general audience should stand and remove hats following the lead of the stage guests.
    No air horns, balloons, bubbles, beach balls, or similar items are allowed in the ceremony. 使用噪音制造者可能是为了显示一个人对毕业生的骄傲, but it can also ruin the chance for another family to hear the name of their graduate announced.


  11. +帽子、长袍 & 标记

    帽子,长袍,披肩和流苏可以在网上订购 www.herffjones.com/college/graduation 

    学生们可以从2024年4月8日开始订购他们的皇冠. More information is forthcoming, and graduates are asked to monitor this page as well as their my.波尔克.Edu邮箱更新.

    如果你在帽子上写字或装饰,你这样做必须有品位,没有粗俗或不适当的内容. If your mortarboard is deemed excessive or in poor taste by an administrator you may be required to remove the decorations, 再买一顶帽子, 或者可能不被允许参加仪式.

    徽章,除了荣誉徽章,是由你的扶轮社或组织提供的. 王权必须得到批准. 高中毕业典礼不应该佩戴. You cannot wear 针, sashes, or decorative items outside of college-approved 标记.

  12. +流苏

    流苏应该戴在右边. 毕业典礼结束后,你正式被授予学位, 你会被指示把流苏从右边移到左边.
    Bachelor graduate 标记 includes a tassel and cord in the traditional color of drab representing the discipline.

  13. +公告 & 邀请

    Many students choose to order personalized announcements or invitations to send to their families and friends. We recommend you order these from the bookstore before the graduation application deadline.
    由于RP资助中心的空间限制, 学生客人需要获得入场券. 学生将被限制在允许的客人数量. 请参阅本页顶部的毕业详细信息下的票务信息.

  14. + Phi Theta Kappa Stolling,金钥匙国际荣誉协会 & 护士把

    这些仪式与毕业典礼是分开的. 详情请与俱乐部发起人或护理项目主任联系.

  15. +穿什么

    Graduates must be attired in full academic 标记 to participate in the ceremony. 这包括奖章, 针, 披肩, and cords if provided to them by an approved organization or club of the College.
    女毕业生-商务着装. 不要穿人字拖或沙滩凉鞋.
    男毕业生-穿衬衫,领带和长裤. 不要穿人字拖或沙滩凉鞋.

  16. +排练

    澳门新葡京博彩的毕业典礼从来没有彩排. 因此,学生准时到达报到是非常重要的.

  17. +门票

    毕业典礼需要嘉宾门票. 更多信息将在临近毕业时公布.

  18. +残疾人通道

    招待员会指引您到专门的座位. 一位客人可以和残疾客人坐在一起,在某些情况下可以多坐几位. Seating with the disabled guest is subject to availability and demand on a first-come-first-serve basis.

  19. +接待

    仪式结束后不提供招待会. We encourage you to celebrate at one of the fine local restaurants with family and friends.

  20. +住宿

    Ph.: (863)413-1122

    Ph.: (863)688-0800

    汉普顿酒店 & 套房(距离RP资助中心约3英里)
    3630湖滨村大道. 莱克兰,佛罗里达州33803
    Ph.: (863)603-7600

  21. +参加仪式截止日期

    If you met the deadline with your graduation application, you can choose to participate late. 你必须在网上完成毕业申请,并获得学位帽和学位服. 如需帮助,请致电863与毕业协调员联系.298.6815 or 863.297.1010分机5278.
